Friday, April 15, 2016

Vacation from your vacation

It's been a year since I had real summer. It really messes with my mind because it doesn't seem so obvious. It's not like it's been real Winter for a year, it's just hasn't been summer. No leaves on the trees, dark at 6  and no smell of fresh grass. But I just got a taste in Crete, thank goodness and do I feel refreshed.
You forget sometimes how nice it is to not wear 7 layers of clothes at night, to not wear socks in your sneakers. It felt great, like luxury. Flowers and bees on my! Somehow hot weather just feels so easy. Like, you don't to worry about getting rained on or being warm enough or if there's a small hole in your shoe. Todo bien, everything is good. It's made me realize how much I enjoy real seasons. I need the cold winter with sparkling snow and the bright brilliant summer with sunsets at 10 pm. I couldn't live in a place that didn't change every month. You don't appreciate the sun when it's there every day, beating down on your face. The thunder storms are just as great as the perfect sunny weather. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Crossing the street Czech style

Caution & Confidence

In Vancouver, where I lived, people have been getting hit by cars quite often these days. It seems like every 2nd day there's some kind of incident. Not in Prague.
Living up to themes of freedom and live and let live, Prague has more crosswalks (without lights) than most major cities. Most importantly the cars aren't going to hit you. They have to stop and most do.  Still it takes some practice to get the knack of it.

Don't Hesitate
Basically if nothing is flying toward you specifically, keep walking. It's easier and faster for everyone if you keep going on your way without stopping for too long. Cars keep moving slowly, no one is confused. Easy-peasy.

Keep Your Eyes Open
Since there is no crossing light, it's up to you to make the right choice. Look, not only where you're going,  but all around constantly as you move across street. Trains, trams, buses, trucks, cars, bikes and runners could be hurtling straight toward you.

Pick A Side
If you're walking on the left, stay left. If you're walking on the right, stay right. There's nothing worse that the which-way-will-you-walk dance. I hate it and no matter how awkward it may feel, stay your course.

Don't Wait For Photos
Prague is full of tourists. They are visiting, you live there. Do not be obligated to wait for someone to take a picture. That is their job. If they don't want people in the photos, take a photo in a place with no people, obviously. Still, no need to feel rude about photo-bombing. It's your sidewalk too.

Don't Run.
Unless a tram is bearing down on you, take your time. Cars can wait, it's not a highway and there's no need to rush your day. Walking around the city is one of the best things to do here. Enjoy it and take it easy.

Take advantage of the well planned streets and frankly civilized traffic. Prague is safer, quieter and lovelier than most cities I've visited.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A Walk to Olšanské Hřbitovy (Cemetery), Prague

Summer is coming!

Let's take a look at the east end of Vinohradská in Žižkov. A delightful neighbourhood, it has plenty of coffeeshops, czech bars and shopping. The best part is that finally all the trees are starting to bud and we have some flowers!
Feast your eyes on that green!
East side of the city, topped by Flora shopping centre ( a preferred option over Palladium).

The bees know where the action's at.

Looking down 28. Pluku.

Getting some colour back after Winter.

Wonder how long these will last when the birds find them. In many places you can hear birds singing. 

Yay! Blossoms

There are many secret passageways- well just that cars can't use them. Alway nice when on foot.

Apparently there are  2 million people buried here and the cemetery is 600 years old.

A new addition to the neighbourhood. Whimsical office decor. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

A Walk Through Vršovice

Within walking distance from Vyšehrad castle and 20 minutes from Prague 1, Vršovice has all the delights of small European living. You could easily mistake it for quiet village outside the city. All major transit, metro, tram and bus access Vršovice within minutes. So get out of town and have a picnic in one of the prettiest in Prague and the world.  Just chill here. 

As the weather gets warmer and leaves return to the trees surely the park will become busier and busier.  Since this area is populated with mostly czech residents, it should offer a quiet respite because most locals like to leave Prague whenever they get the chance to escape the sweltering heat. 

Like to run? You’re in good company since traffic is pretty chill in this area and the views peaceful you’re bound to see a runner about every 5 minutes sweating it out along the groomed trails.
While the focus remains in the center of the city, Vršovice is a quiet escape from the tourist hubbub of Prague. Formerly industrial, it now is an affordable suburb close to everything but quiet enough to relax in. Expect to see new moms pushing babies in prams, energetic toddlers running for their lives and multitudes of very cute dogs going on their daily walk through the hood